This release consists of PHP versions of Zulu's MyRunUO .asp scripts. You will need the current version of his release, then add the files included here for use on your PHP driven web server. Besides being converted to PHP, some of the HTML code has been cleaned up and MySQL queries optimized. Not everything (especially guilds) has been fully tested yet as I was using an inactive shard for testing. Please report any problems, including sample links. Thank you to Kinetix for his GumpReader PHP script which was used to create the paperdoll viewer! See paperdoll.php for copyright info. Some layers are sometimes missing from paperdolls. To fix this issue edit "Engines\MyRunUO\MyRunUO.cs" and at around line 440 change: if ( !LayerComparer.IsValid( item ) ) break; To: if ( !LayerComparer.IsValid( item ) ) continue; Information on MyRunUO can be found here: Edit to configure your database settings. Call status.php from your web browser to access the status page with links to the other pages. Included is a modified MySQL database table file. Some index keys were added to improve database performance. You can load it into MySQL using the following command: mysql -h -u -D -p < mysql-tables.sql Optionally you can run these queries from your MySQL client: ALTER TABLE myrunuo_characters ADD KEY char_id (char_id), ADD KEY char_guild (char_guild); ALTER TABLE myrunuo_status ADD KEY charid (char_id); ALTER TABLE myrunuo_characters_skills ADD KEY charid (char_id), ADD KEY skillid (skill_id); ALTER TABLE myrunuo_guilds ADD KEY guild_id (guild_id); ALTER TABLE myrunuo_guilds_wars ADD KEY guild1 (guild_1), ADD KEY guild2 (guild_2); ALTER TABLE myrunuo_characters_layers ADD KEY charid (char_id); Changes to 1.01: - Fixed html codes showng in names. Changes to 1.00: - Added paperdolls to player pages using Kinetix's script. - Added guild name to guild skill averages page. Changes to 0.92: - Added line break after "Grandmaster" in player skills page. - Fixed guild warfare listing not showing guild names. - Corrected rank numbering in guild list. - Fixed problems with timestamps. Changes to 0.91: - Fixed blank players showing up in status (staff members). - Fixed title in guild page. - Fixed page arrows not appearing - modified page status for status, players, and guilds. -Panther